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Does the internet bring more harm than good?

Sharif Rezaie
3 min readFeb 26, 2019

Sharif Rezaie

The global network or internet is booming dramatically since the early days of the ARPAnet project, which sprung up in military and academic laboratories. Over the years, the internet has steadily evolved into an ecosystem of encyclopedic and a multi-platform communicative network, to enable anyone in the world to stay connected. Some services include, sharing of scientific resources, contribution to global issues through forums and e-mailing exchanges, collaboration in teams to stay synchronized in tasks, and most of all to broaden academic and fellowship networks. The fact that the internet is a poisonous glue which made humans separated from the real world, is undeniable, but in many general ways, the internet has been a positive development; the internet has been fortifying educational opportunities, largely contributed to economic growth and, yet is a platform to be freely expressed. To get online, no need to have adequate internet software degree or become experts on the Web’s intricate protocols, however, a browser.

Internet, not only enabled students to enroll in universities’ courseware of their choice, but also made it possible for different teachers to upload courses as well online. E-learning platforms enable people around the world to gain knowledge over a massive course from school to university level in a wide range of disciplines worldwide via the internet. The best professors with the highest reputation from highly premium educational schools and universities around the world are now one click away. Further, some include being at no charge at all. Just sign up and enjoy the course. Sultana who was under sheer scrutiny of Taliban’s shadow, from Afghanistan, now doing a bachelor program in an American college. she commenced her journey after schools were banned in her village. However, the quest for knowledge made her non-stop and woke her up at 5:00 a.m to follow Khan Academy courses via the internet online.[1] Not only khan Academy, but Edx, Coursera, Udacity, and Pluralsight to name but a few, are some online e-learning platforms, which provide various courses in different languages.

The Internet has transformed business opportunities around the world. It is changing the way we work, create jobs or socialize. Marketing strategies mushroomed immensely via the internet in the last couple of decades. McKinsey Global Institute, in a report, summed up, ”While large enterprises and national economies have reaped major benefits from this technological revolution, individual consumers and small, upstart entrepreneurs have been some of the greatest beneficiaries of the Internet’s empowering influence”[2]. This not only ranges from big companies that are pushing boundaries to broaden businesses over a wider geographical area but helped small startups to flourish as well. One example which helped the economic growth, points to the various marketing strategies that were impossible without a digital network, is the online advertisement. In an article published by Forbes website, roughly 4,000- 10,000 ads we see on TV, magazines, billboards and alike, in a day. And of which most come from the internet, precisely social media. This could be experienced while we browse social media or having a cup of coffee scrolling down news media agency front pages on our smart devices. The report finally concludes that some companies find success in the digital world through marketing and online ads[3].

Internet in a sense paves the way to address democracy and issues related to freedom of speech in communities. It is a podium to easily express your thoughts, ideas instantaneously via forums, blogs, and social networks. Considering this podium as a whole, we have witnessed a dramatic upsurge in Arab communities, in particular, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, which shaped how the Arab Spring and uprising pre-protest hatched.

In short, the internet has changed the education system in ample ways compared to traditional ones. Online education now brings teachers and students much closer that nobody expected before. Today, businesses leverage their assets more easily via online ads, this would be greatly appreciated to economic growth and prosperity.


[1] N. Kristof, “Opinion | Meet Sultana, the Taliban’s Worst Fear,” The New York Times, 20-Jan-2018.

[2] “McKinsey Global Institute | McKinsey & Company.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19-Feb-2019].

[3] “Finding Brand Success In The Digital World.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 19-Feb-2019].

